Health Education & Enrollment Since 1996
Worksite Wellness LA has been educating employees on the benefits of healthy living and the advantages of healthcare for over two decades. Through workplace and community outreach programs, our staff help the hard-working, low and moderate income people of Los Angeles County and their families—regardless of immigration status—navigate the jumble that is health care coverage enrollment and teach the importance of a healthy lifestyle in a relatable way.
Nutrition Education
Our Health Education Program aims to engage and empower individuals and communities to choose healthy behaviors and make changes that reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases and other morbidities.

Healthcare Enrollment Assistance
Our Certified Healthcare Enrollment Counselors cut through the confusing enrollment process so workers have access to the care they need.
Obtaining community resources can be confusing. We refer families and individuals to health, nutrition, legal, financial and other social resources and services.
Healthcare Education
Our health education programs reduce workplace obesity, heart disease, and diabetes by promoting healthy nutrition and daily physical activity.

Enrollment Assistance
Our Certified Healthcare Enrollment Counselors cut through the confusing enrollment process so workers have access to the care they need.
Even with coverage, healthcare resources can be confusing. We refer hundreds of clinics, doctors and specialists we’ve worked with over the years.
Success Stories
Wage Earners ARE Covered
A mother came to the clinic where one of our Certified Enrollment Counselor (CEC’s) works, and told her that her children had not had medical insurance for the last 4 or more years. Her husband earns a high income and she was afraid to apply because she was scared they will not qualify for any program or plan. When she took her children to the doctor, she paid cash since they did not have any medical coverage. Worksite Wellness LA’s CEC did a screening on the family income and discovered they qualify for Medi-Cal with a monthly fee of only $13.00 each. She was extremely happy to know that her children could finally have affordable medical insurance. Worksite Wellness LA was happy to be able to assist this family.
Something to Smile About
A woman with severe dental and medical problems came to a community clinic to speak to one of our Certified Enrollment
Counselors (CEC’s.) The woman is an immigrant with Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and thought that she could not qualify for any medical treatment. But she had severe dental issues that needed immediate attention.>
Our CEC filled a PRUCOL application and gave her an electronic letter which states that people with TPS are entitled to obtain complete
medical coverage. Due to her assistance, she could obtain Full Scope Medi-Cal.
She was very happy to hear the news. Here’s what she told us: “I am from Central America. I came to this country almost 20 years ago, and have 4 children. For over 12 years I have not visited a dentist, because I could not afford it, I know I have very serious dental problems. I am so relieved to be able to sign up with my children, and we can all visit a dentist I can afford at local clinic.”
Thanks to Worksite Wellness she was able to obtain full medical care for herself and her family.
A Heart Felt Story
A woman in her late 60’s who was having strong chest pains went to a medical clinic seeking treatment, but could not afford the medications.
A friend told her to come to the Family Health Care Center Clinic where a Worksite Wellness CEC (Certified Enrollment Counselor) is deployed doing enrollments. She was screened for eligibility and we filled out an Enrollment application for her. Fortunately, she was approved for her Medi-Cal full scope, with no charge for her medicines.
The patient said:“I work full time and had not time to find out if I can apply for Medi-Cal. I thought it was for older people that are not working or families with children. I am so relieved that I can go to work at a clinic close to my home, and not worry about running out of medication.”
The patient was very grateful for our help, and her health condition was once again fully being treated by one of our Providers at the Hawaiian Garden Clinic, which is near where she lives.
It is very rewarding to advocate and assist people who really need medical assistance. That what Worksite Wellness LA is all about.
Education vs Epidemic
Diabetes is an epidemic in America today. Worksite Wellness LA holds regular Diabetes Workshops to help people learn the different types of diabetes, how to guard against it and how to manage your condition.
At the end of one workshop, a participant in the audience, Jesus, told our educator that he’s had diabetes for 20 years but never learned to read. He’s been too ashamed to tell anyone and his inability to read led to uncontrolled diabetes. Since he did not understand the disease, he sometimes skipped his dosage, causing terrible problems to his health. Thanks to a comprehensive WWLA presentation, Jesus now has clear grasp of diabetes and is learning to manage it. We saw him again three months later and the improvement was amazing.
That’s the power of our Worksite Wellness LA Workshops!
The Fear Factor
We were assisting a small family who came to apply for medical insurance because the child was in need of urgent medical attention. Due to their income, all three family members qualified for Medi-Cal. Even though they had recently obtained their legal residency, they were afraid to apply for Medi-Cal.
Our Enrollment Counselor knew that lawful permanent residents who possess a green card cannot be denied U.S. citizenship for receiving public benefits if they are eligible. There would be no adverse consequences if they applied. The family informed the sponsor and they are all now expecting approval to start their needed medical treatments.
Worksite Wellness LA’s Certified Enrollment Counselor always advise their clients of their obligations and rights regarding their medical insurance.
Homeless Get Connected
Last Week our WWLA Certified Enrollment Counselor (CEC) was setting up a Medi-Cal application for a 60 year old homeless man. Born in the US, this client came from a family of Carnival performers, traveling from one place to another, living in tents. His duties, when he was a little boy, was feeding the animals, cleaning and helping to set up the Carnival booths for all the games.
As a result, he was never able to go to school. He did not know how to read or write, and he could hardly sign his name. He told the CEC who was assisting him, “You write beautiful!! I envy you, I wish I could do that.”
He had no family and was living in alleys, trying to keep away from people, and eating whatever he could find—sometimes in trash cans or from people’s charity. “When I was little boy, I never thought that the day will come when I become old and sick and no resources of any kind to live on.”
It was a bitter-sweet day for our Counselor, who was moved by his sad story, and able to assist him so that he now receives Medical Insurance.
Never Too Old To Enroll
A 68 year old factory worker who forgot to renew his medical insurance, had several pressing medical issues and was very worried because he needed medications. He believed he was not eligible for MEDICARE.
Our Certified Enrollment Counselor (CEC) immediately went to work. While the application was in process, we referred him to a Community Health Clinic near his home in case he needed urgent care. Within a few minutes, the Man was approved under the Non-MAGI Medi-Cal (a special program for the working disabled). Because of his demanding work schedule this employee had no other way to solve his medical issues. We are happy that Worksite Wellness LA was able to provide this service to him and get medications on time.
And the worker is happy and relieved that he is covered until next year when he can renew his insurance through his employer.
Cancelled…Now Renewed!
In October 2014 we provided assistance to a woman with Breast Cancer. She was employed in one of the clinic sites that we visit on a weekly basis. She is a participant in the Department of Health Care Services special Breast & Cervical Cancer Treatment Program. Unfortunately, she was not able to send her Annual Redetermination Forms and was cut off from the program. She was extremely concerned because she needed her medications for her treatment and could not get them. She did not receive any Redetermination forms to renew her program. Therefore they canceled it.
The distraught woman used her lunch break to ask our Certified Enrollment Counselor (CEC) for help.
The CEC called the program and after talking to the Social worker at the center, her benefits were reactivated the next day. She was able to buy her badly needed medications, and she was told that renewal forms would be sent to her in 5-7 days. She was so relieved to be able to obtain her medical prescription thanks to guidance and advocacy from Worksite Wellness LA.
Undocumented But Still Covered
I know that many parents are still confused about SB75, and can’t believe it’s true. While I was assigned to Eisner and Queens Care clinics for few weeks, I noticed a lot of families coming to the Enrollment Department and asking many questions about Medi-Cal. They had heard about a new program—SB75—which started in May 2017 and covers undocumented children. I told them that SB75 was real and that their children could enjoy the full scope of Medi-Cal, just like children born in the USA, they couldn’t believe their ears. They were so happy!
That’s why Worksite Wellness LA is here, to help spread the good news. We are advocates for these families, working to let them know that their benefits are here to stay.”
Every year we help families navigate Health Care programs in LA County
A Few of Our Healthy Customers

A Few of Our Healthy Customers

A Few of Our Healthy Customers